Bardamu Consulting

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Paragon Realty

For the Paragon Realty website redesign, I worked closely with the client to completely transform their outdated WordPress site into a modern, user-friendly platform that better reflects their brand and services. The previous site lacked visual appeal and functionality, so my goal was to create a fresh, engaging experience. I developed a cohesive typography system, designed a new logo, and crafted a clean color scheme to enhance the site’s aesthetics. Additionally, I focused on incorporating the feel of Lower Mainland Vancouver into the design, ensuring the site resonated with the local market. Transitioning away from WordPress allowed for a more intuitive, seamless user experience. On top of the design overhaul, I implemented SEO strategies to improve their online visibility and drive traffic to the new platform.

This project resulted in a visually striking and easy-to-navigate website that not only reflects the professionalism of Paragon Realty but also connects with their Vancouver audience.